
Consult the Sticker: Thieves ‘re-vinning’ vehicles on the rise, insurers say

Toronto, Ontario — Buyer beware; reports have begun circulating that vehicle thieves have been “re-vinning” stolen vehicles in order to sell to unsuspecting customers. According to a report from Canadian Underwriter, insurers have taken note of a new trend prevailing among car thieves looking to turn a profit. Re-vinning involves removing the VIN (vehicle identification […]

What an Axe: Vancouver Island RCMP arrest man for hacking at cars with an axe

Vancouver, British Columbia — If British Columbians didn’t have enough on their plates over the past few weeks, Comox Valley RCMP finally managed to track down an axe-wielding Nova Scotian who has been mistaking Vancouver Island traffic for trees recently. In late October, police received reports of a man driving a Nova Scotia-registered Honda Civic […]

Crisis at Chrysler: Explosion at Stellantis Windsor Assembly Plant deemed ‘intentional’

Windsor, Ontario — The police arson unit was called in following an explosion at Stellantis’ Windsor Assembly Plant on Thursday which investigators are currently considering “intentional.” Windsor police arrived at the minivan factory at 5:45 p.m. on Thursday evening following a report of an explosion at the facility. According to the Windsor police’s press release, […]

Crash Quota: MPI warns of crash increase alongside lifted COVID-19 restrictions

Winnipeg, Manitoba — As provinces delve deeper into re-opening stages, Manitoba’s MPI is reminding drivers that as life returns to normal, so too will traffic accident rates as commuters start resuming regular schedules. According to Manitoba Public Insurance, the number of deaths and serious injuries from car crashes spiked during the months public health orders […]

Secure Your Benz: Mercedes-Benz and IBM collaborate on new anti-theft service

Toronto, Ontario — Mercedes-Benz and IBM have teamed up to fight back against vehicle theft by integrating a brand new anti-theft service right into the Mercedes me smartphone app. The service, called “Urban Guard – Stolen Vehicle Help”, uses a combination of vehicle, consumer and position data to help law enforcement track down stolen vehicles […]

Lucasville Looters: More than 60 catalytic converters stolen from school buses in N.S.

Halifax, Nova Scotia — Halifax District RCMP is investigating the theft of more than 60 catalytic converters from school buses in Lucasville. On June 30, Police responded to a report of theft of catalytic converters from a property in Lucasville. More than 60 catalytic converters had been removed from buses on the property. This year […]

Chop Stopped: Alberta RCMP shut down chop shop near Bonnyville

Bonnyville, Alberta — Alberta mounties have laid down the law on a chop shop operating north of Bonnyville after they recovered 12 stolen vehicles from the property, just over a month ago. The suspicions of police were raised when a stolen Ford F350 service truck was discovered on the property, prompting local RCMP to investigate […]

Just Learned Photoshop: Alberta driver pulled over with printed-out license plate

Edmonton, Alberta — Fashion, technology, fathers—these are all things that come and go in life. But what never leaves? Human will and ingenuity. An Edmonton, Alta. driver was pulled over by police early in March, initially for having a tinted license plate cover that they were using to obscure the truly dastardly deception. What was […]
