
Nissan offers free repair procedures to certified shops, plans more support

Mark Zoba speaks at a conference. Nissan has recently announced that it will add and improve partnerships between key industry people.
By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — April 25, 2018 — Nissan has recently announced that it will add and improve partnerships between key industry people, according to a story by our partner publication Repairer Driven News. The changes will result in certified shops receiving more information about repair considerations up front.
According to Mark Zoba, RPM, Nissan, offering an opportunity for shops to advance their knowledge will lead to setting the correct repair expectation for customers. Doing so, says Zoba, is “key.” For example, says Zoba, when an insurer preditcs a repair will take five days, a shop would know to tell a customer is would really be a week, based on their upfront understanding pf the necessary repair procedures. In this, the customer would be kept well informed of the repair process.
According to a Collision Advice webinar, such repair planning was already available to certified repair facilities, with Nissan’s free subscription to its OEM repair procedures website. Normally the subscription costs $19.99 to access for a single day, or $720 for the year.
The webinar also notes that both certified and uncertified shops can use Nissan’s buying power to receive discounts on certain equiptment. Additionally, Nissan plans to offer special financing opportunities to qualifying shops.
Zoba notes that Nissan has been working on opportunities for more Nissan-specific training. 
According to Repairer Driven News, this is in response to shop requests for dedicated training. Zoba says more details will be available in the coming months, though the OEM looks to work with I-CAR and other trainers to develop courses.
For more information about Nissan, please visit Nissan.ca.

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