
Women’s Industry Network launches annual membership drive

WIN membership drive logo

Leesburg, Virginia — October 5, 2017 — The Women’s Industry Network (WIN) has launched its annual #ALLIN4WIN Membership Drive. The drive will run through December 31, 2017, and offers special membership pricing of $109 for the both the remainder of 2017 and all of 2018. Additionally, anyone who joins or rejoins WIN during the drive will be entered into a Grand Prize drawing for a free 2018 WIN Education Conference registration fee, a $450 value. WIN membership is open to all women and men in every segment of the North American collision repair industry.

“Our 2018 #ALLIN4WIN Membership Challenge is about spreading the word to the thousands of women in our industry,” says Michelle Sullivan, Co-Chair of WIN’s membership committee. “As WIN enters its twelfth year, I am thrilled to see the membership growth and program expansion. I want to encourage women and men to increase their professional network and become a WIN member. WIN’s mission is to engage women in our industry through education, networking and sharing of resources.”

WIN will kick off its #ALLIN4WIN 24 Hour Membership Challenge on October 25 following a 2 p.m. EST webinar entitled “Jump in the Tank,” presented by body language expert Traci Brown. Building on her recent WIN Educational Conference presentation, Brown will share her experiences so participants can use the same tools to achieve results in their own business. There will be question and discussion period at the end of the presentation. 

“Traci was one of our speakers at the 2017 WIN Education Conference and her session received rave reviews. We are thrilled that Traci has offered this follow up session as part of our membership drive,” says Melissa Miller, Co-Chair of WIN’s Membership Committee.

The webinar is open to all participants in the industry. You can register for the webinar at this link.

To become a WIN member, please visit regonline.com/WINmembership.


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