
WIN seeks industry leaders to speak at 2015 Educational Conference

Leesburg, Virginia — October 29, 2014 — The Women’s Industry Network is currently accepting submissions from individuals in the collision repair industry who are interested in speaking at the WIN 2015 Educational Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.   

“WIN has traditionally used a combination of general business facilitators and collision industry experts to compose our educational program,” says Jessica Rob, Co-Chair of the Conference Committee. “The 2014 Conference program included industry leaders such as Jane Hylen of Enterprise, who spoke about keys to her professional success and Mike LeVasseur of Keenan Autobody, who guided breakout attendees through his sustainability journey.  The huge success of these presentations prompted us to look directly to our industry for leaders who have important messages to share.”
Each year, WIN polls conference attendees to learn what topics they would like presented at future programs.  
“The theme of personal and professional development is always top of mind with our members,” says Rob. “This year we also saw requests for industry-specific themes such as aluminum repair, safety technology in automobiles and attracting new talent to the collision repair field. We will entertain proposals from every industry segment on topics critical to the success of our professional membership.”  
There are opportunities for both one-hour main stage presenters and 30-minute workshop facilitators within the 2015 Educational Conference.  If you are interested in being considered as a presenter for one of these sessions, please submit your name, organization’s name and an overview of your topic to Jessica Rob at jessica.rob@akzonobel.com. 
All submitted topics will be considered for inclusion by the 2015 WIN Conference Committee and Board of Directors. Submissions will be evaluated based on relevance to our members, topic interest as expressed in post-conference surveys, and proposal clarity. Deadline for submissions is Friday November 28, 2014.

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