
Who Goofed the Gas: Southern Alberta gas station mixes up gas and diesel

Langdon, Alberta — This week, some drivers in Alberta were met with not-so-nice surprise after a gas station served them diesel, instead of what they were expecting: gas.

Gas Plus in Langdon, Alberta, told CBC News on Thursday that their diesel and gas tanks were accidentally filled with the wrong fuel for three days straight. The gas station became aware of the issue on Tuesday.

Gas Plus says customers who were purchasing gas received about 80 percent regular gas and 20 percent diesel. And diesel-buying customers were met with 60 percent diesel and 40 percent gas.

“We can now confirm that there was a mix of fuel delivered on Saturday, July 24, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. affecting only the regular and diesel tanks. Diesel fuel was delivered into the regular gas tank and regular gas was delivered into the diesel tank by the delivery company,” GP Fuels Inc., said in a statement. 

Benjamin Forhan told CBC filled up his gas-powered vehicle at Gas Plus on July 24 and says his car has since stopped working.

Forhan says it will cost $8,500 to fix his vehicle. 

“You’ve broken hundreds of people’s cars,” he told CBC News. “I didn’t do anything. The only thing I did is give them business.”

The company told CBC News that all the claims will be resolved in the next few weeks. However, Forhan says this assurance doesn’t solve the fact that he doesn’t currently have a working-car. 

“I’m back to taking the train to work and my wife’s using my secondhand car because she’s EMS and she needs a car all hours of the day,” he told CBC News.


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