

Round two of Canadian Right to Repair

Time for round two—a Canadian Right to Repair bill has been tabled after Brian Masse, an NDP member of parliament representing the Windsor West riding in Ontario, introduced a private member’s bill on the topic on February 4.

If passed, the bill would ensure proper tools and parts are available to Canada’s automotive aftermarket and allow consumers the freedom to choose where their vehicles are repaired.

Masse said the bill will aim to accomplish three things:

• Amend the Competition Act to authorize the competition tribunal, to make an order requiring vehicle manufacturers, to provide independent repair shops access to diagnostic and repair information and service parts on the same terms and manner as a manufacturer makes that information and parts available to their own authorized repair providers;

• Update the voluntary Canadian Automotive Service Information Standard (CASIS) agreement in place since 2009 to include the rights of digital software that will cover future innovations and technologies as we move to zero-emissions vehicle standards and EVs;

• Ensure that consumers have a right to choose where they get their vehicles fixed, and to help the environment by making sure vehicles with emissions are stronger and also cleaner

Masse also noted Right to Repair legislature would “be good for public safety” as vehicles on the road are repaired and kept in the best condition possible.

This is the first time the topic has been brought up in the House since the Fall 2021 election scrapped the Right to Repair legislation in process. Masse had also proposed similar legislation in 2009.

“I want to commend MP Brian Masse for introducing his Private Member’s Bill which will establish much-needed rights for vehicle owners across Canada,” wrote J.F. Champagne, president of the Automotive Industries of Canada. “Currently, vehicle manufacturers own the data transmitted by vehicles, limiting options for where consumers can have their vehicle repaired.

“This important legislation will place that control back in the hands of consumers, allowing them to choose the service or repair shop that is best for them. Given previous support from all parties to establish a right to repair, we are hopeful this Bill will receive broad support and encourage its swift passage.”

“This important legislation will place that control back in the hands of consumers, allowing them to choose the service or repair shop that is best for them. Given previous support from all parties to establish a right to repair, we are hopeful this Bill will receive broad support and encourage its swift passage.”

— J.F. Champagne, President, AIA Canada

“I’m proud to present a bill I believe all Members of Parliament will support, similar to what’s happened in the past.”

— Brian Masse, MP, Windsor West, Ontario


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