Blame Game: Alberta survey reveals that majority of Albertans support at-fault insurance system

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Edmonton, Alberta — Fair Alberta Insurance Regulations (FAIR Alberta) recently surveyed Albertan drivers and revealed that the majority of drivers support the province’s current at-fault insurance system.

Specifically, the survey, which was conducted between January 8 and 15, and consulted approximately 900 drivers aged 18 and older, found that 63 percent of respondents prefer the current at-fault insurance system. This figure echoes the company’s previous surveys on the topic.

The survey also voiced concerns over the fairness of treating those responsible for accidents in a similar manner as those not at-fault, with 61 percent of respondents claiming it less fair to allow perpetrators of accidents to be on a more equal footing with the victims.

Additionally, 71 percent of respondents expressed concerns over the inability to sue the at-fault driver’s insurance company if the province were to switch to a no-fault system.

In response to the results, Janet Brown, Opinion Research, who helped conduct the survey, told Insurance Business that “in light of our recent findings, it’s evident that Albertans have a strong preference for the at-fault insurance system.”

“Our data shows a majority of the population is not only familiar with the current system but also prefers it over the alternative no-fault model.”

The research data also showed that “those most likely to want to maintain the current system (included) those who feel very or somewhat familiar with the changes to auto insurance being considered by the Government of Alberta (at) 62 percent and seniors (at) at 59 percent.”

Comparatively, “those 19 to 24 years old (or) 29 percent, those with a high school education or less (at) 28 percent, and unemployed people (at) 27 percent were more likely than others to want to switch to a full no-fault system.

“Every Alberta driver must buy an auto insurance policy and we all deserve a system that is fair and affordable,” Jackie Halpern, a spokesperson for FAIR Alberta further told Insurance Business. “Albertans are clearly saying victims of accidents caused by bad drivers should have the right to hold the responsible parties accountable–that’s just an Albertan value–personal responsibility.”

However, despite these preferences, 68 percent of respondents did say that they would be open to exploring lower premiums while still retaining the right to sue the at-fault party if injured.

To read FAIR Alberta’s full report, click here.


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