

What’s the role of a collision shop?

With ADAS such a constant topic, there’s plenty of information, good and bad, flying around—and all the more so when it comes to collision shops. Here are answers to a few common ADAS concerns to provide some helpful perspective.

Is ADAS really a collision shop thing?

Not only is it appropriate work for a collision shop; it’s basically tailor-made for collision shops, even if most are currently subletting it. Here’s why. More than 70 million vehicles on the road today have at least some ADAS functions. Soon all will. Calibrations can be triggered by a number of routine repair procedures, so you can imagine what an actual accident does to ADAS components.

In 2021, the ADAS market was calculated to be $27 billion. One recent estimate places it at $75 billion by 2030. This is work that will never go away.

Isn’t ADAS a huge investment?

If it is, it’ll be because you want it to be.

Like any move into new products or services, begin with makes and models you’re familiar with and go from there. There’s no need to obtain elaborate ADAS tools and equipment overnight.

The work will be there when you’re ready to grow. It’s our belief that most shops are at or beyond the break-even point already but haven’t recognized it yet.

Isn’t ADAS really complicated?

ADAS systems are complicated. Calibrating ADAS components is not. It’s usually straightforward. True, left entirely to your own devices, ADAS work can be quite challenging, requiring a high degree of research and practice. Fortunately, you’re not left alone. You can partner with a provider who can supply you with all the equipment, training and expertise you’ll need to become proficient at this profitable line of work.

Don’t I need extra-skilled techs?

ADAS doesn’t require special expertise. It requires conscientiousness. Solid ADAS tools from a partner you trust will guide your techs step by step through countless calibrations. What’s required of them is diligence, patience and attention to detail. Techs willing to bear down will be your best ADAS people.

Don’t I need a ton of space?

To perform the lion’s share of ADAS work, you likely have sufficient space as it is. A little workaround creativity may be required from time to time, but it’s completely feasible. Just as you don’t need 100 yards to play touch football, you don’t need an “ideal” amount of space to perform many ADAS calibrations. What’s the next step? Taking advantage of a leading tool from an expert, reliable brand. Namely, the ADASLink® full diagnostic premium scan tool from Hunter Engineering.

ADASLink® introduces you to the ADAS world by removing the confusing guesswork. This complete solution includes secure gateway capabilities and custom integrates with Hunter’s WinAlign® software, providing your technicians with quick and easy access to specific calibration procedures for millions of vehicles, guiding them with clear, onscreen instruction every step of the way.


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