
Automation Transformation: Solera report shows 72 percent of consumers want automated claims service

Westlake, Texas – In another show of the pandemic’s effect on consumer habits, a recent report from Solera indicates that nearly three-quarters of consumers want a fully-automated repair and claims experience.

In a survey conducted by the automotive software developer, it was found that 72 percent of respondents said that they felt confident in their repair and claims processes being handled in an entirely automated manner.

“We’ve reached a point where leading companies are placing top priority on adapting and integrating cutting edge technology to differentiate and optimize customer experience. Those that don’t, will face competitive challenges,” said Solera CTO Evan Davies. 

“This survey simply underscores what Solera has known to be true for some time; automated processes have the power to increase customer satisfaction and even customer retention.”

In fact, it was found that 67 percent of consumers would be willing to switch insurers for a faster digital experience.

Insurers cite the financial costs of implementing these sorts of platforms, as well as the training required on the part of staff, as major obstacles to offering improved automated services.

“Wide-scale adoption of any revolutionary technology presents inevitable challenges and concerns for small and large businesses, which is why it’s even more critical that these companies invest with a proven and leading technology provider,” said Davies. 

“We provide real value to our customers by integrating AI and advanced technologies at all touchpoints of the claims workflow, from first notice of loss all the way through repair; something, not all solutions have.”


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