
All Hail SGI : Saskatoon Hailstorm causes weekend damage, hundreds of claims filed

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — Things can change at a moment’s notice. Evening plans can turn into overnight escapades. A drive on a whim can turn into a journey for a day. And a beautiful summer day can descend into danger and destruction.

That’s exactly what happened last Saturday as a summer storm damaged many vehicles in Saskatoon’s north end and resulting in hundreds claims being filed to Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).

“We have received about 300 auto claims related to the hail,” said SGI’s manager of media relations, Tyler McMurchy.

“It’s not an overwhelming amount but it is a substantial number.”

As drivers inspect their vehicles, SGI is bracing for more claims throughout the coming week.

The storms may come as a surprise to some drivers, but not to meteorologist Terri Lang.

“What’s unusual is the last two years… have been drought years and we haven’t seen a lot of thunderstorm activities,” says Lang. “People forget that what we are getting right now is much more typical than what we got the last two years.”

Severe weather can be expected until the end of July, reminds Lang. Drivers should take precautions and look out for weather alerts before leaving home.


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