


Regarding the calibration of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) components, there are two essential servicing concepts, follow the prescribed vehicle manufacturer instructions and document everything from pre-calibration setup to post-calibration validation. 

The Autel Standard Frame ADAS Calibration Sys-tem, the MaxiSYS IA800 Intelligent ADAS optical positioning system adaption package combined with the Autel calibration software enable technicians to perform these procedures via the most efficient and affordable calibration solution in the industry. The sys-tem’s inherent capabilities provide the technician with an efficient and intuitive ADAS calibration workflow.The IA800 employs six high-resolution cameras, position-ing targets and components, and alignment Pre-Check and Frame positioning software to transform Autel’s Stan-dard Calibration frame into a precise, efficient and com-plete—from Pre-Check to Reports —calibration system.

It’s a four-step process: Pre-Check, Position, Perform and Provide. Here’s a quick overview of each step.


Proper vehicle alignment is essential to the calibration of all ADAS components. The thrust angle, calculated in reference to the vehicle’s rear axle, determines its direction as it travels down the road. Further, this reference enables the correct centering and position of the frame and its targets/patterns when positing the cal-ibration frame and its patterns/targets to the vehicle. Pre-Check uses the IA800’s camera system and targeted wheel clamps attached to all four wheels to determine the vehicle’s current alignment specifications and compare them with the vehicle manufacturer’s allowed toleranc-es. If within OE-specified tolerances, the technician can proceed to optical positioning of the frame to the vehicle. The alignment information is added to the Pre-Scan report. 


Wheel clamps with camera targets are attached to the rear wheels, and a standing target component is placed in the front or to the side of the vehicle, depending on the vehicle make, model and year. The MaxiSYS tablet, now placed securing on the frame, is paired with the cameras.

The system recognizes the positioning targets and calculates the current angle, distance, and offset position of the frame to the vehicle. The technician follows the onscreen instructions to move the frame or adjust its angle until the current values match the required values. Checkmarks display for each parameter once the required position values are met, and that’s it, the vehicle is ready for calibration.

Compare that setup with one using mechanical tools such as plumb bobs and measuring tape that takes 40 minutes on average.


Perform camera, radar. Lidar, and Night Vision component calibration with any MaxiSYS tablet with ADAS calibration software. 


“Make sure you document every step” that is the consistent thread mentioned in all ADAS calibration training. Documentation is essential as it encourages insurance companies to expedite payment, insulates the shop from unsupported lawsuits, and assures existing and potential customers that the safety of their vehicles and, therefore, the safety of their families is foremost in the shop owner’s mind. 

Autel’s Pre-Scan identifies all systems with faults and lists Pre-Check values. Post-Scans identify all systems to illustrate that exiting faults were cleared and none introduced during repair. Calibrations are documented in detail with the date/time of these calibrations, statement of the success of the calibration and depending on the vehicle, include OE calibration tolerance range and the live data/actual reading of the device when calibrated. 

Autel designed this system to enable technicians to perform every vehicle calibration with confidence and ease. And from pre-check to documentation, every step is completed with precision. 


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