Toronto, Ontario — Skilled Trades Ontario (STO) has launched a new online information centre, the STO Resource Hub, to provide users access to insight and knowledge into the skilled trades sector.
The Hub specifically features newly published trade reports, a directory of links as well as other trades-related resources and research.
Canadian Manufacturing originally noted that Melissa Young, CEO and Registrar of Skilled Trades Ontario, “is pleased to formally launch our Resource Hub. This new service will be a go-to resource for anyone interested in learning more about the trades in our province. Our mission at Skilled Trades Ontario is to streamline services and make it easier to learn more about how the skilled trades operate in our province. I’m proud to say that we are making progress on that mission.”
Currently, the Hub also features an inventory of updated training and curriculum standards, and going forward, STO will release a list of updated standards regularly on the website.
This development comes in the aftermath of the provincial government recently announcing a new policy to allow 80 percent of high school seniors’ courses to be in trades-based co-op education.
When talking to William Speed, retired TDSB auto body teacher, he told Collision Repair magazine that he believes apprentice and trades-related job and information portals are a “great idea” to help connect the industry. For Speed, these resources also represent a “huge networking opportunity with other programs in the province.”
Check out the STO Resource Hub above and click here to learn more about how the province is fast-tracking trades in Ontario high schools.