
Cash for the Furnace: Insurance bureau says ICBC on track to lose $298 million this year

Vancouver, British Columbia — The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) reported Friday that British Columbia’s crown insurance company is on track to record a financial loss of $298 million for this year. Vice president of IBC’s western and Pacific regions, Aaron Sutherland, called this update from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) “incredibly disappointing” […]

Try, Try, Trial Again: ICBC no-fault platform shut down in court by B.C. lawyers

Victoria, British Columbia — Consistently in the crosshairs of critical British Columbians, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) is in hot water again over its newly introduced no-fault insurance platform that has B.C. trial lawyers calling the model unconstitutional. The B.C. Trial Lawyers Association successfully argued in court that ICBC’s platform, wherein claims are […]
