Niche Market: Car leasing company developing speed-dating app for car lovers only

speed dating

London, United Kingdom — Tired of dates asking about your personality, hobbies and all those other boring conversational icebreakers? Now you and your date from the “Speed Dating” app can hyper fixate on the latest and greatest cars—if you find one, that is.

Created by a literal car leasing company from the United Kingdom, Speed dating by Leasing Options is a dating app for car lovers that promises to “shift your love life into gear,” tailoring your profile with usual details such as age and gender preferences, along with the ability to “show off you and your car like never before.”

According to the company’s own press release, this app was spurred by the general public having a relatively stark split in opinion, with the majority being put off by the idea of someone showing off their ride (and implicitly, wealth) on a dating app, while less than half said it wouldn’t be a turn-off.

A quoted comment attributed to Russell, 39, said a modern show-off mobile would be a turnoff, while a bland box would be indifferent while a classic, old, cheap, clean or bad car would grab his attention.

While Collision Repair supports more options for the busy collision repairer, it has been speculated by authors from Jalopnik and Motorius that finding a partner who shares your passion for fixing cars might be challenging. Looking at the data, they may not be off the mark.

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