A Qapter Audience: Gore Mutual Insurance to use Solera’s Qapter for damage assessment


Toronto, Ontario — Gore Mutual Insurance broke ground on Tuesday as the first Canadian insurer to partner with Solera Audatex to use the company’s Qapter Estimating Platform for use in insurance claims procedure.

Joining a number of insurance companies operating around the world, Gore Mutual is the first Canadian insurer to utilize Qapter to assess vehicle damage, which Solera Audatex says will do wonders for efficiency in the collision repair process.

“Qapter drives huge efficiency gains for our customers already using it around the world,” said Michel Caron, v-p of sales at Solera Audatex. 

“Those efficiency gains are mostly due to the accuracy of the estimate from quality data. Like other companies using Qapter, we know Gore Mutual and its collision repair partners are keenly focused on and desire both accuracy and efficiency. We are delighted to deliver them both.”

Executives from Gore Mutual say that integrating Qapter into their assessments will result in a far smoother claims process for customers going forward.

“As we continue to evolve our ClaimCareTM program, the customer has to be at the center of every decision we make. Qapter has allowed us to quickly and accurately assess the damage and communicate with our network of auto repair shops, brokers, and customers,” said v-p of claims at Gore Mutual, Neil Weir. 

“Ultimately, we want to make the claims process as smooth as possible and get the customer back in their vehicle quickly. Qapter allows for that, particularly because the data flows seamlessly into our Guidewire Cloud system.”

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