Mi-T-M launches new 30-gallon air compressor

Mi-T-M has launched a new diesel 30-gallon two-stage air compressor.
Mi-T-M has launched a new diesel 30-gallon two-stage air compressor.

Peosta, Iowa — December 8, 2016 — Mi-T-M Corporation has released a new diesel 30-gallon air compressor. The new two-stage air compressor features a 9.1 HP Kohler KD420 diesel overhead valve engine with electric start and glow plugs for easy starting in cold temperatures.

A powder coated ASME-coded 30-gallon receiver tank is attached to a 3/16-inch base plate to help reduce vibration. A statement from Mi-T-M says the removable base plate offers flexible installation.

The company says the extra air storage provides the ability to operate multiple tools at once. The new 30-gallon air compressor includes a splash lubricated compressor pump, large canister intake filter, regulator and two gauges for tank and outlet pressure and tank drain and ASME safety valves.

For more information, please visit mitm.com.

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