
Making it Work: Local shop owner shares solutions for shops to overcome skilled trades shortage

Guelph, Ontario — A bodyshop repairer speaking with a local paper has shared his thoughts on the skilled trades shortage and has a simple but effective recommendation—keeping your team together amidst a labour shortage.

In an interview with Guelph Today, Vince Klimkosz, owner and operator of Vinnie’s Mr. Fix-It said “I find that many customers think that they can drive in anytime and get repairs done right away, but it’s just not the case anymore. It’s a real frustration for some people and it’s just going to get worse.”

He describes the lack of new technicians as a major factor contributed by the lack of interest among kids in school, along with the need for constant re-training to keep up with new technologies.

This refers to the combination of Ontario’s four-year apprenticeship training program, emerging technologies in vehicles and the technologies necessary to repair these systems.

With shortages on rental cars, parts and workers, he finds it may be necessary “to pay the good ones a lot of money to stay,” even if it drives up costs for repair and maintenance.

“Otherwise, they jump ship,” said Klimkosz.

He attributes his 19-years of continued success to retaining a team of long-serving, licensed technicians.

“We have a good crew, a good group of guys willing to work hard and to take on any of the work you need done.”


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