
Focus Features: Mitsubishi debuts driver alertness technology at CES 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada — Mitsubishi unveiled a new piece of ADAS technology at CES 2022 this week that is sure to grab drivers’ attention—because that’s exactly what it’s designed to do.

The OEM says its new DMS (Driver Monitoring System)  will be able to sense a driver’s heart rate and responsiveness and an alarm if alertness levels fall too low, in an effort to mitigate exhaustion-related accidents, as well as other health emergencies like heart attacks and seizures that could occur while behind the wheel.

If the driver remains unresponsive, the system notifies a support center that can trigger the vehicle to stop on the shoulder.

This new technology from Mitsubishi was shown off on the EMIRAI xS Drive concept car that the company was demonstrating in Las Vegas this week.

“Enabling safe, convenient and sustainable transportation of people and things is one of our key areas of focus at CES under our Mobility pillar,” said Mark Rakoski, v-p of advanced engineering at Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America (MEAA). 

“Our DMS plays a critical role in enabling a people-centric smart society that promotes the health and safety of individuals and families.”

Rakoski addressed the need for systems like these as more autonomous driving systems are adopted, as the presence of a safeguard such as this could mean the difference between life and death for a driver who experiences a medical emergency while travelling solo.


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