
Experience Points: Ontario to kick off ‘Level Up!’ skilled trades career fair next week, Mississauga

Toronto, Ontario — In the ongoing fight to attract new skilled trades workers to Canadian industry, the government of Ontario has announced the launch of a new traveling, skills-focused, career fair geared toward students from Grade 7 to 12, with its first stop in Mississauga next week.

With its debut event scheduled to run from next Tuesday to Thursday at Mississauga’s International Centre, Ontario’s labour minister is not mincing words when he speaks to the difference that these new “Level Up!” fairs will make in exposing Canadian youth to the many diverse trades industries.

“Ontario is facing the largest labour shortage in a generation, which means when you have a job in the skilled trades, you have a job for life,” said Minister Monte McNaughton.

The fair is slated to visit several cities across the province, starting with Mississauga and traveling outward to venues in London, Sudbury, Ottawa and Thunder Bay, where these young adults will be given hands-on exposure to all 144 recognized skilled trades, as well as be treated to presentations from industry professionals and local employers.

Students interested in attending one of the Level Up! fairs are encouraged to reach out to their school’s Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) representative, or a teacher or guidance counselor for assistance in registering.

“Our government is launching these annual career fairs so more students and parents know university isn’t the only path to success. We will continue to make historic investments to attract more young people to rewarding, lucrative and purpose-driven careers in the trades, and ensure employers can find the skilled workers they need to grow their businesses and our economy,” said McNaughton.

The government’s press release confirmed that a virtual career fair is in the works for students who cannot make it in person. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.

Click here for the listings of when the Level Up! career fair will be rolling into your city.


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2 Responses

  1. My daughter is 22 and would like to go to the fair to see what’s available. Is there a possibility for allowing attendance of older youth?

  2. My daughter is 22 and would like to go to the fair to see what’s available. Is there a possibility for allowing attendance of older youth?

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