
Collision Repair Executive Symposium at NACE to focus on growth for owners, execs, and MSOs

Detroit, Michigan — June 23, 2014 — Designed for collision repair multi-shop operators, as well as operators looking for high-growth strategies, mergers and acquisitions, divesting, and operational excellence, CRES, features a day of education and networking opportunities for MSOs. CRES registration includes an Expo Pass (valid July 31 & August 1), admission to The Assembly – Industry Forum, General Session, Show Floor Receptions, CRES VIP Reception + Breakfast & Lunch during the Symposium with the option to also purchase a Super Pass.

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM: Continental Breakfast

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Market Dynamics Changing in vehicle ownership and driving patterns, ride-sharing, collision avoidance technologies, usage based insurance and vehicle telematics are just some of the latest factors influencing the current marketplace. Learn from insurance and collision industry executives about how these trends having impacted today’s market and will influence the future market for collision repairs.

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Maximizing Capacity Utilization Collision repair operating models are constantly evolving in response to both the marketplace and the desire to continuously improve the business. Increasingly, successful repair facility operators are focusing their operations on maximizing their capacity utilization to assure top level Key Performance Indicator performance and assure growth.

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Lunch

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Changing Vehicle Design and Increasing Repair Complexity Everyone knows that the vehicles repaired today are vastly different from those of just five years ago. And, the pace of change will continue for many years to come.

Learn how the industry is:

– Planning their investments in plant and equipment necessary to repair the ever changing automobile
– Building cultures geared for technical excellence
– Assuring the right car, gets the right repair, by the right technician at the right repair facility

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Anatomy of an Acquisition Geared to small and mid-size MSO’s, this “mock” acquisition will go through the various steps of a transaction, looking at critical issues from both the buyer and the seller’s viewpoint. Topics will include pre-sale preparation, understanding how businesses are valued, confidentiality, due diligence, deal structure and negotiation strategy.

For more information, please visit the CRES website.


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