
Believe it or not – July 19, 2019

Toronto, Ontario — July 18, 2019 — From a kitty taking a 50-kilometer ride to a vengeful driver tracking down her stolen car, Collision Repair has got you covered on all things weird and wacky in the automotive industry, 

 Engine Purr 

A nine-week-old kitten has been found unscathed after taking a nearly 50 kilometer trip inside the frame of a Honda Accord.

Early last week, a driver in Frankfort Kentucky was going out for a drive when he heard a strange noise coming from underneath his car. Trying to ignore the sound, he continued his 50-kilometer journey before pulling into a Hardee’s to inspect what was going on. 

Thankfully, auto repair shop Midas of Frankfort was right next door and when the man finally saw the tiny cat lodged in his vehicle, the owner of the repair shop, Scott Bourne was ready with a bar of soap in hand to slip the kitten out.

The cat was named Marigold and adopted by an employee at the shop, happily living out the rest of her nine lives.

So next time you hear your motor purring, Collision Repair suggests you check under the hood. 


Reno and Clyde

A Kansas woman went on an epic adventure to get her stolen car back after thieves nabbed it at a gas station. 

Earlier this week, Danielle Reno returned to the gas pump where she had left her vehicle to discover it was missing, alongside her phone, wallet, and other belongings. Frustrated, and believing that she could track down her vehicle on her own, Reno set off to recover the car with her sidekick and sister. 

By tracking the perps purchases on Reno’s credit card, Reno raced to the thief’s latest location, another gas station, and with some sneaky investigative work, learned her thief would be going to Applebee’s that night.

Reno then staked out at the Applebee’s, and the moment the thief exited the vehicle, Reno hopped back in with her spare key and drove away.

Unfortunately, the interior of her vehicle was destroyed but repairers will definitely relish in Reno’s tale of how no one should take a Kansas woman’s car. 


 Trash Crash

While most distracted drivers get into collisions because of phone calls, text messages, or noisy kids in their backseats, one distracted driver lost control his vehicle because it was full of trash – resulting in one messy collision.

Earlier this week, a man in Hampshire was driving on a busy street and when the time came for him to make a quick break, the driver reached out to grab his hand brake and grabbed a grocery bag full of trash instead, resulting in him rear-ending a car in front of him and seriously damaging his bumper.

Amongst the bags or trash and empty bottles, the car was also filled with potted plants, crumpled newspaper, books, and coffee cups.

While the driver is grieving the hefty prices he’s going to have to pay to repair his broken vehicles, soccer moms across the globe are rejoicing that their mini-vans maybe aren’t as messy as they thought they were. 




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