
Mike Anderson says FCA requires destructive welds

Test welds should be performed even for small spot repairs

By CRM Staff   Toronto, Ontario — March 30, 2018 —  Collision Advice CEO Mike Anderson outlined OEM requirement for destructive test welds during a webinar reports Repairer Driven News. In the online event aimed at collision repair professionals, Anderson also speculated that bodyshops were not always practising these techniques.    According to RDN, Anderson […]

Hard data highlights the need for scanning

Big Sky Collision, one of the McDonnell Group’s three shops in Montana. The company recently released the results of a study that highlights the need for scanning.

Billings, Montana — February 12, 2017 — Nothing highlights the need for scanning like cold, hard data. Our US-based content partner, Repairer Driven News (RDN), reports on a repairer that gathered stats on ever repair order that came through his three shops “… to examine the necessity of pre- and post-repair scanning and whether the […]
