
Goodbye, Sweatpants: Tesla CEO Elon Musk condemns remote work in leaked email

Toronto, Ontario — A leaked email signalled a change in Tesla’s practices: work in person, or work elsewhere. “Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum of 40 hours per week,” said Tesla CEO Elon Musk in an email to the company’s executives on May 31. Ostensibly, the […]

Akzo Art School: AkzoNobel launches Acoat Selected digital training platform

Troy, Michigan — In a commitment to both quality paintwork and the necessary training that goes alongside it, AkzoNobel has announced the launch of its new Acoat Selected digital training platform containing business services content relevant to end-user customers. Announced in a press release from AkzoNobel on Tuesday, the platform will cover a number of […]

Real-time Responses: asTech launches live-chat feature for app, website

Toronto, Ontario — Taking the commitment to customer service one step further, asTech has announced that they have begun offering a live-chat function to connect customers with asTech technicians via the company’s mobile app and on their website. This new update to asTech’s digital offerings will allow customers to “chat back and forth to discuss […]
