
Polyvance updates Nitro Fuzer line

Polyvance has updated its line of nitrogen plastic welders. The 6080-CG, shown here, is still the company's top-line model, but it now comes with additional features and a lower retail price.

Rainsville, Alabama — October 2, 2017 — Polyvance has announced a major overhaul of its Nitro Fuzer line of nitrogen plastic welders. The company is introducing a fully-functional, entry-level product, the 6085. The standard 6085-C will be offered at the same price as previously, but will also include a Bumper Mate 2 workstation at no […]

Guild 21 call looks at the benefits of plastic repair

Kurt Lammon, President of Polyvance (left) was the guest on the most recent Guild 21 call discussing plastic repair. Also shown are the team from Precision Marketing, one of the company's Canadian distributors: Dan Dominato, Dan Bernier, Brent Wingrove and Tom Racz.

By Jeff Sanford Toronto, Ontario — January 15, 2017 — Recently Kurt Lammon, President of Polyvance, spent an hour with repairers from across North America on the bi-monthly Guild 21 conference call. The call tuned shop owners in to the many and various benefits that accrue from fixing damaged plastic parts rather than replacing the […]
