While the summer brings many opportunities for some fun in the sun, for the collision repair industry, it also presents a chance to gather for some truly bright conferences, charity events and get-togethers. Collision Repair reached out via survey to find out what exactly the industry wants out of future events and what kinds of gatherings unite members together with an excitement for the season.
When looking at the acquired data, the majority of survey respondents were collision centre owners and managers at 52.9 percent of all respondents. This was followed by suppliers and distributors at 11.1 percent. The rest of respondents were from all other aspects of the industry.

Additionally, of all respondents polled, the majority at 41.2 percent, claim to attend three to five events every year. This was closely followed by respondents reporting attending two events every year at 17.6 percent.

When looking at the kinds of topics that industry members would most like to hear at events, the number one request at 64.7 percent was for panels to provide greater insight into advanced vehicle technologies such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and advanced vehicle repairs. Following this, at 47.1 percent, respondents also reported a desire to learn more about recruitment and training at industry events as well as emerging industry trends and regulations. In a close third place at 41.2 percent, respondents reported wanting more event programming focusing on estimations.
With industry events offering a variety of programming and alongside this, a diverse group of speakers, Collision Repair was interested to know what type of speakers respondents find the most valuable.
Of all respondents, the majority at 64.7 percent, commented that they would most like to hear from technical experts and trainers as well as collision repair business owners. Alongside this, survey respondents would also like to hear from business management consultants at 41.2 percent and inspirational speakers at 35.3 percent.
Lastly, in terms of event types, regional and provincial association meetings were ranked among those surveyed as being the most valuable. Following this, training seminars and workshops as well as vendor trade shows and expos were also highly favoured.