In For a Penny: U.S. Department of Labor files complaint against Georgia shop that paid pennies to ex-employee

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Peachtree City, Georgia — The tale of a Georgia auto repair technician paid in pennies has drawn the ire of the U.S. Department of Labor, who has launched a suit against A OK Walker Autoworks for discrimination.

One may recall reports that circulated in March of a technician who, upon request of his final paycheque from his boss, found a bucket of what totalled 91,500 oil-soaked pennies on his driveway that same day.

A lawsuit was filed Dec. 30 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. It alleges that the shop and its owner discriminated against Flaten over his final paycheque complaint.

“Within hours of learning that Mr. Flaten had complained to [the Wage and Hour Division] about not receiving his last paycheck, defendants decided to pay Mr. Flaten in pennies,” the suit alleged.

At the time of the incident, the owner of A OK Walker Autoworks in Peachtree City said to local reporters “He got paid–that’s all that matters.”The full legal complaint from the U.S. Department of Labor can be found here.

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