AIA Canada hosts Ontario Advocacy Day

Ontario Premier, Doug Ford (left) with AIA Canada President, Jean-François Champagne (right), Courtesy: AIA Canada

By CRM Staff 

Toronto, Ontario –- March 1, 2019 -–The introduction of the automotive aftermarket industry to the new Government of Ontario was a major focus at the 2019 Ontario Advocacy Day hosted by the Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada.

The Association was joined by members from both the collision and repair sectors of the automotive aftermarket at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Monday, February, 25.

During face-to-face meetings, participants spoke about several issues important to the industry including, the future of vehicle connectivity and telematics, the right to repair, and education and workforce development.

“Taking the automotive aftermarket’s message directly to politicians and policymakers through events like this is a vital part of AIA Canada’s mission,” said Jean-François Champagne, AIA Canada president. “The day was a resounding success. Especially well received was the messaging on access to vehicle data since it touches on multiple issues such as jobs, consumer choice, innovation, and a fair and competitive marketplace.”

“It’s our opportunity to get in front of politicians to tell them our needs and concerns with the industry,” said Steve Leal, Fix Automotive Network world president, and AIA Canada board member. “This will help to steer things in the right direction.”

Over the course of the event AIA Canada meet with more than a dozen members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) from the Progressive Conservative, NDP and Liberal parties along with senior policy advisors and parliamentary assistants from the ministries of transportation; training; colleges and universities; labour; economic development, job creation and trade, and government and consumer services.

Among attendees at AIA Canada’s luncheon were Premier Doug Ford, minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Todd Smith, and minister of Government and Consumer Services Bill Walker.

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