Carrossier ProColor Lachute awarded Clé Verte platinum certification

By CRM Staff

Lachute, Quebec — October 17, 2017 — The Carrossier ProColor network, a member of CSN Collision Centres, has announced that its Carrossier ProColor Lachute collision repair facility has been certified as a platinum member of the Clé Verte (Green Key) program.

Following on from its two gold certifications, a statement from the collision centre said it has taken several steps to become certified at the highest level of the Clé Verte program. 

“We invested in equipment to set up the workshop according to the standards of Clé Verte, with a waste sorting centre composed of barrels and containers for hazardous materials,” said Sylvie Lalonde, Owner of Carrossier ProColor Lachute.

Employees of the shop were also involved in the process, by changing their work habits. Lalonde added: “We informed all employees about the new Clé Verte program procedures and the importance of respecting them in order to have the safest and healthiest environment possible.”

The Clé Verte program uses an auditor to ensure a repair centre meets six major criteria that affect residual materials, the application processes and equipment. The program says it “proves to be a health protection for the collision centre workers and the surrounding citizens.”

“Our motivation to stay with the Clé Verte program has always been the preservation of the environment and the health of our employees, which are very dear to us,” said Lalonde.

She added the “sound management” of hazardous materials is easy to implement, claiming the most important aspect is to raise awareness among employees.

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