Insurance Insights: MPI seeking consumer and industry feedback on current insurance models

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Winnipeg, Manitoba — Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) is currently seeking public and industry feedback on insurance rate changes that would reward safer driving and make riskier driving more costly.

Specifically, the public insurer is seeking feedback on changes to the basic insurance model in the province after the Public Utilities Board directed MPI to look at how to better reflect driver risk in determining rates.

The Public Utilities Board, which oversees rate setting and the MPI, previously discussed different ways to more closely match driver risk with vehicle and driver premiums, as well as whether or not rates should be based on the primary driver of the vehicle rather than the registered owner of the vehicle.

Currently, provincial rates are based on where a registered owner lives, what and how often they drive and their driving risk, all based on a “registered owner rating model.”

Topics covered by the survey include questions surrounding insurance premiums, whether respondents would support the registered owner of the vehicle receiving an insurance premium discount based on the driver safety rating of the primary driver and if respondents would support a new insurance model.

For more information and to access the survey, click here.

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