
Moving Forwards: MPI faces massive backlog following two month strike

Winnipeg, Manitoba — Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) is facing a massive backlog of claims, road tests and other appointments as its employees return to work following a two-month strike. 

While the strike may have ended last week, MPI employees have some catching up to do reports Carmen Nedohin, who recently assumed the role of MPI’s board chair. 

According to Nedohin, MPI employees must process approximately 11,000 insurance claims, 15,000 road tests and several other cancelled appointments. 

To address the backlog, Nedohin said that MPI management is helping process claims and overtime is being offered to employees. 

In terms of cancelled road tests, Nedohin also assured that affected individuals would receive notifications via text or email within the next few days, providing them with new dates and times for tests. 

“All I can do is ask Manitoba ratepayers to be patient with us a little bit longer while we try and get through all of this and get our services back on track,” Nedohin said further. 

With its employees back at work, MPI has reopened all service claims centres across the province. It has also resumed all front counter services, except for new driver testing appointment bookings. 


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