

Build strong relationships and brand awareness in your communities Column by VENESSA DI VITO In my opinion, the answers to the two questions above are simple: collision repair facilities have never marketed or focused on their relationships with customers because there has never been a need for this. Insurance companies, dealerships and fleet companies have […]


In today’s times, it’s all about perspective Column by CHELSEA STEBNER We’re two years into a global pandemic and I commend our fellow collision shops across Canada for digging deep and continuing to put one foot in front of the other. In talking to many other shop owners, I know that they as well are […]


Knowing your worth is key in either scenario Column by NANCY ROLLAND www.focusbankers.com The pandemic has caused many business owners to reconsider their long-term goals of owning and operating their businesses. Shutdowns and personnel shortages have clearly been a drain on many, while severely impacting financial performance and their ability to effectively service customers. If […]


Ask yourself this Column by JAY PERRY In the last article we spoke of being grateful and balancing that gratitude with the desire to improve. Inside of looking at what we have, in being grateful, is an element of reflection. The act of reflecting is absolutely paramount for leaders for without it, progress cannot be […]


Try something new and learn a thing or two Column by TOM BISSONNETTE … CONTINUED FROM Issue 20#6 Things were rolling along rather good at Dodge City, but I was getting restless. Zig Ziglar tells the story of Priming the Pump—you can watch it on YouTube if you search “Zig Ziglar priming the pump.” It […]


More than a partner—a collaborator in solutions Rexall Solutions was founded by Ryan Rahbar, who also serves as president of the company. Originally, the company focussed on manufacturing and distributing chemicals for research and Government labs in Canada but has since transitioned to offer a world of specialized solutions for a variety of industries. “Rexall […]

Reading Comprehension 101: Welcome to reality—hop aboard or hop off

By Stefano Liessi Time flies when you are having fun—but it also seems to whiz by when we’re under pressure. I have been in this industry for 39 years and can admit that much of it is a blur. When I look back on the changes that have come to fruition in this time it […]

Steve Leal on the Details: What’s ‘Right to Repair’ all about?

Steve Leal demystifies one of the most vexing industry issues and its ramifications for the aftermarket industry If you have been following the news and developments taking place across the world, chances are you would’ve come across the term “Right to Repair” more often in recent times than before. Over the past few years, a […]

Will AI and Virtual Claims Build a Bridge or Widen the Chasm?

A thought leadership article by Sean Carey, President, SCG Management Consulting Anyone that has spent time in and around the auto claims ecosystem recently can’t help but notice that digital and virtual auto claims processing is in vogue, so much so that Insurtech companies and insurers are releasing related new products and services into the […]

Reflect and Rebuild: It’s time we bring trust back to the trade

By Chelsea Stebner The definition of trust is the reliance on the integrity, strength and ability of a person or a thing.  A confident expectation of something. It is a simple word with big meaning in our world right now.  Trust is eroding society right now, in relationships, in business, in politics. The lack of […]
