
Breaking down NACE Automechanika

By CRM staff
Atlanta, Georgia — August 14, 2018 — As exhibitors and attendees made their way to NACE Automechanika last week, Collision Repair magazine staff were there to keep up with all of the big events, panels, presentations and speeches. For those unable to join in on all of the excitement — from the Rockin’ Rides pavillion to the Multi-Store Operators Symposium, we have put together a crib sheet of what was missed.

The Collision Industry Conference (CIC), which held its own meetings at the OMNI Hotel right beside the main showroom, focused its attentions on the future, going into great detail about why OEM procedures could, in no way, be treated as guidlines.

In the panel “OEM Repair Procedure Legislation, Review and Projections,” a team of industry experts delivered an overview of recent legislative efforts and recent legal decisions regarding OEM procedures.

In their presentation, the CIC Task Force team, which includes Jeff Peevy and Gene Lopez, explained their work defining, identifying and cataloguing role-based verifiable conventions, and the need to standardize a new position — the ADAS and Safety Systems technician.

In a speech that recieved a standing ovation, Petra Schroeder, the Woman’s Industry Network (WIN) past chair, delivered a presentation on the network’s recent accomplishments and efforts. She praised the CIC’s members for their interest in the work of WIN and invited members — male and female — to consider joining, with a special extended annual membership covering the remainder of 2018 and all of 2019.

The most talked-about presentation was, however, delivered by the Definitions Committee’s Barry Dorn and Chris Evans, who delivered a speech on their tireless work to bring the collision repair industry online. The CIC Wiki, which aims to be as important to the collision industry as Wikipedia is to university freshmen, may have been demonstrated in a understated manner, but recieved so many questions and ideas for growth from the intrigued audience that the moderator was forced to call time on the open mic session.

During the I-CAR training sessions, which were ongoing throughout the evening, several hundred participants were educated by the industry’s best trainers in more than 20 areas of the trade.

During the MSO Symposium, industry icon and financial analyst Vincent Romans wowed the crowds with a densely-packed presentation on the state of the industry. Later, several of the biggest names in the field took to the stage to discuss some of the points made in a panel hosted by analyst Brad Mewes, who delivered a very broad overview of the industry at the recent IBIS conference in Munich.

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