
NTS Launches Remote Testing Witness System in Just Eight Days in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

NTS’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Team Delivers Remote Testing across 28 Labs in Only Eight Days

ANAHEIM, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#AHigherStandard–National Technical Systems, Inc. (“NTS”), the leading independent provider of qualification testing, inspection, and certification solutions in North America, is pleased to announce the Remote Test Witnessing system to help customers stay on schedule during a nationwide lockdown. Launched in only eight days in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote witnessing became a critical service for customers who were restricted from visiting labs in person.

“We acted quickly to keep customers on schedule since the pandemic adversely affected travel and in-person contact,” said Sarah Willis, Vice President of Marketing at NTS. As the nation continues to reopen, the remote witnessing system continues to gain popularity with customers, helping lower cost and avoid unnecessary travel. “As travel restrictions were pulled back, many customers continued to choose remote witnessing—a cost effective alternative to in-person visits.”

Designated as an essential service, NTS was allowed to stay open seven days a week during the national lockdowns. With a commitment to the safety of customers and employees, the organization adapted its approach to testing during the pandemic, increasing sanitation routines at each lab, mandating social distancing, improving the check-in process, offering remote work to employees, equipping essential staff with PPE, and offering remote test witnessing.

The custom tailored video platform is Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) compliant and designed to protect security sensitive projects. “Our IT team did an incredible job to make the solution operational throughout our 28 labs in North America in only eight days,” Willis continued.

In collaboration with InMoment, NTS’s Customer Experience Feedback partner, NTS modified its customer survey to capture insights about the Remote-Witness program, which generated richer intelligence about customer desires and concerns. NTS learned just how appreciative their customers were to have a viable option during unprecedented times—and how it plans to help them save time and money moving forward.

Due to the timely and secure solution during a global pandemic, customers expressed elevated trust in the NTS brand. With nearly six decades of testing expertise, NTS is keenly aware of the concerns and challenges facing its customers. This experience coupled with the ongoing customer feedback allows NTS to shift its service model to ensure the best customer experience possible.

About National Technical Systems

National Technical Systems, Inc. (“NTS”) is the leading provider of qualification testing, inspection, and certification services in North America, serving a broad range of industries, including civil aviation, space, defense, nuclear, telecommunications, automotive, industrial, electronics, and medical end markets. Since 1961, NTS has built the most extensive geographic presence in the United States, offering more than 70 distinct product qualification and materials testing categories, including climatic, structural, dynamics, fluid flow, EMI/EMC, lightning, product safety, acoustics, failure analysis, chemical, and other industry-specific tests. Operating through a network of 28 technologically advanced testing laboratories, this geographically diverse footprint puts NTS facilities in proximity to its more than 8,000 clients—allowing NTS to serve the nation’s most innovative companies with unmatched accessibility and responsiveness. NTS is accredited by numerous national and international organizations and operates its inspection division under the Unitek brand, providing a wide range of supply chain management services. NTS’ certification division, which operates under the NQA brand, is one of the largest and most respected global ISO registrars, with active certifications in more than 75 countries. For more information about NTS, visit www.nts.com or call 800-270-2516.


Sarah Willis, Vice President of Marketing




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