Give Me the FAX: IAA integrates CARFAX vehicle history reports into auction platform


Toronto, Ontario — Car buyers looking for an extra bit of info before making their big purchase will now have CARFAX Canada Vehicle History Reports made available to them through IAA Inc.’s various vehicle auctioning platforms, the company announced on Monday.

IAA users will now be able to access vehicle history reports for up to 180 days via the Vehicle Details Page within the Auction Centre.

“CARFAX Canada maintains a strong, established reputation in the industry and we are proud to work with them to improve buyer confidence in the integrity of IAA and the vehicles we sell,” said managing director of IAA Canada, Blair Earle, in Monday’s press release.

“This CARFAX Canada integration will ensure our buyers understand more about a vehicle’s history, enabling them to make more-informed buying decisions and improving the overall buyer experience.”

What will it mean to have CARFAX integrated into IAA’s platforms? What other features would you like to see integrated into IAA’s products? Respond in the comments below.

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