
Take Note: FCA releases Steering System Position Statement on steering column repair

Toronto, Ontario — When safe, signal and pull over into the right shoulder—I-CAR has the latest on a new update from FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) concerning steering system inspections and proper replacement procedure after a collision. The FCA Steering System Position Statement states: “If the vehicle is involved in a collision where the airbag has […]

‘Biggest part’ of US-lawsuit to go forward

A Florida judge has ruled that at least some parts of a recent suit filed by repairers against insurers may go forward.

By Jeff Sanford Orlando, Florida — February 25, 2016 — Owners of several independent collision repair centres in the United States are celebrating a legal victory today as a Florida magistrate has allowed the “biggest part” of a major case against a number of insurance companies to go ahead. In essence, the repairers brought suit […]

CCIF announces 2016 Steering Committee

CCIF logo

Ottawa, Ontario — January 5, 2016 — The Canadian Collision Industry Forum (CCIF) has officially announced its Steering Committee for 2016. The Steering Committee guides the establishment of priority areas for action and helps to ensure the continued success of industry events and projects.  Members of the Steering Committee represent all industry stakeholders, including collision […]

CCIF seeking applications for Steering Committee

The 2015 CCIF Steering Committee. Members represent various auto claims economy sectors, including collision repair, insurance and paint and equipment suppliers.

Ottawa, Ontario — October 8, 2015 — The Canadian Collision Industry Forum (CCIF) has announced it is currently seeking applications for the CCIF Steering Committee. The Steering Committee guides CCIf in establishing priority areas for action and ensuring the continued success of CCIF industry events and projects.  Every year, one or more members of the CCIF […]
