Secure the Bag: Rexall Solutions to unveil Rex-Allbag, reusable aerosol can at SEMA 2022
Toronto, Ontario — SEMA 2022 is already only a few weeks out and Rexall Solutions believes they have this year’s product spotlight in the bag—or rather, the company’s new product under the spotlight for this year is…a bag. Introducing the Rex-Allbag. This innovative new approach to aerosols changes the delivery method of your favourite spray-based […]
Willkommen to the Big Leagues: Automechanika Frankfurt returns with 78,000 attendees
Frankfurt, Germany — The biannual Automechanika Frankfurt auto show wrapped up its five-day stay in Germany’s financial capital on Friday, closing out nearly a full week of presentations and demonstrations on the latest tips and techniques the international auto industry has to offer. Drawing in some of the biggest brands the industry has to offer, […]
More than a partner—a collaborator in solutions Rexall Solutions was founded by Ryan Rahbar, who also serves as president of the company. Originally, the company focussed on manufacturing and distributing chemicals for research and Government labs in Canada but has since transitioned to offer a world of specialized solutions for a variety of industries. “Rexall […]