Home-grown Microchips: Federal government invests $240 into semiconductor industry
Ottawa, Ontario — In the effort of getting ahead of future supply chain disruptions, the federal government has announced a $240 million investment into the nation’s semiconductor industry. Minister of innovation, science and industry François–Philippe Champagne said on Monday that $150 million in funding is headed for the Semiconductor Challenge Callout fund to develop and […]
Power-Saving Mode: Japanese microchip producers predict shortage carrying through 2022
Toronto, Ontario — As the automotive industry barrels into yet another financial quarter still suffering from a case of microchip mania, Japan’s Rohm Co. comes bearing the grim news that the vital piece of technology will likely remain in short supply at least throughout next year. The Kyoto-based chipmaker provides the now highly sought-after semiconductors […]
Used Car Commotion: Price of used cars in Canada has increased by 12.8 percent, amid microchip woes
Toronto, Ontario — Amid the global microchip shortage, the price of used vehicles in Canada is continuing to climb. New data from AutoTrader.ca shows the average price of used automobiles has risen by 12.8 percent last month. The online used vehicle marketplace says in July 2021, the average price of a used car on its […]