
Danger Zones: Volvo emergency response guides posted to OEM1Stop

Toronto, Ontario — Volvo vehicle emergency response guides are now available on the popular online repair procedure repository, OEM1Stop, offering repairers and first responders detailed breakdowns of the automaker’s emergency features. Spanning much of Volvo’s current model lineup, in addition to a pair of guides on legacy Volvo models, these emergency guides compile rescue information […]

Civic Structure: Honda project lead talks Civic steel content, laser brazing at GDIS

Novi, Michigan — More OEM material strategy tidbits are emerging from the Great Designs in Steel (GDIS) symposium that took place in mid-May, including a presentation from a Honda project leader that delved into some of the decisions made on the 2022 Civic’s unique body structure. New model local project leader at Honda Development and […]
