
Porsche Presentation: Tune in at 11 a.m. for CSN 427’s Porsche repair session!

Toronto, Ontario — Put on a pot of coffee and tune in this morning at 11 a.m. ET for an enlightening and engaging virtual tech session on the ins and outs of repairing Porsches from the professionals at CSN 427 Auto Collision. According to Jessica D’Alessandro, marketing and PR coordinator for CSN 427 Auto Collision, […]

Optimist Hour: Lorenzo D’Alessandro featured on Dave Luehr’s Positivity Summit

Toronto, Ontario — Lorenzo D’Alessandro, president of CSN 427 collision perfectly captured the theme of Dave Luehr’s Positivity Summit last week as he outlined the actions he’s taken to help Toronto, Ont. bodyshops thrive in the face of the pandemic. During Jan. 15’s Positivity Summit, hosted by Elite Bodyshop’s Dave Luehr and Ryan Taylor, CEO […]
