Dance the Dents Out: Collision repair centre uses interpretive dance to reduce cycle time, touch time
Tickle, Newfoundland and Labrador — A Maritime collision repair centre is employing the power of dance to reduce cycle times, their manager tells Collision Repair mag. Oscar “On Beat” Owens, who is a professional interpretative dancer and coach in his spare time, says he “took a whim” when introducing the new operational practice to the […]
Can You Believe This?! Halloween Edition
Toronto, Ontario — The big spooky day is just around the corner! Celebrate the spirit of this scary season with Collision Repair’s special Halloween Edition Can You Believe This?! Featuring ghastly Miatas, skeletal stowaways, questionable paint jobs and much, much more! How do you dress up your ride for the season? Let us know in […]
Make Your Own Business: Ontario autoshop offers customers opportunity to destroy their own cars
Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario — This Ontario auto repair business is shaking things up with a new vertical that draws business in on two fronts. To combat pandemic slowdowns, Crash Room Repairs in Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario, recently converted a 25,000 sq. ft. warehouse on the property to a designated area for customers to destroy their vehicles […]