
Recycling Revelations: New York Times report reveals reality of catalytic converter thefts

Toronto, Ontario — In a recent report by Walt Bogdanich, Isak Hüllert and Eli Tan, featured in The New York Times, the reality of catalytic converter theft and recycling has been put into greater perspective. An examination of business records, social media posts and official interviews reveals that stolen catalytic converters pass through middlemen, smelters […]

Spring Landscaping: AIA Canada releases 2022 collision repair landscape report

Toronto, Ontario — Stoke the fireplace and draw the children near—the Automotive Industry Association of Canada’s 2022 Collision Repair Sector Landscape report is here. Available now to AIA members at no charge, the association’s latest landscape report contains the latest industry data that affects the more than 6,000 collision repair facilities currently in operation within […]

Industry Remix: New Romans Group report dives into changing industry landscape

Toronto, Ontario — Ever since the COVID–19 pandemic began people have been eagerly awaiting the “return to normal” that we were promised, but a new whitepaper from The Romans Group suggests that the auto industry that comes out of the other side of this won’t look quite the same as the one that came in. […]

Renter Reluctance: Enterprise report says lengths of rentals are down due to fewer claims

Toronto, Ontario — In the effort to take stock following a remarkably unpredictable year, Enterprise Rent-a-Car published a report on Tuesday outlining the company’s findings on the length of rentals in Q1 of 2021 as compared to those of the same quarter in 2020. In a report encompassing every Canadian province, minus British Columbia, Saskatchewan […]
