Much Ado About Change: IBIS Global Summit session centres on ideas to change the industry
Monte-Carlo, Monaco — One of the repeated topics during last week’s IBIS Global Summit speaker sessions was the industry’s attitudes toward widespread change. A forum on the topic, entitled, “Achieving Collaboration is an ongoing challenge, but what are the opportunities the collision industry has to “Optimise” business results?” was presented on June 16 by Advantage […]
Feeling the Impact: IBIS delegates discuss COVID-19’s influence on industry
Monte-Carlo, Monaco — The International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) kicked off its 2022 Global Summit speaker sessions yesterday, treating the audience of collision industry delegates to captivating speakers on the most prevalent topics around the industry. Flavio Battilana, chief strategy officer for CSN Collision Centres, offered some Canadian perspectives on the Global Focus panel, which […]
You and the Youth: If you don’t invest in training, you are a ‘ticking time bomb,’ say IBISTV panellists
London, United Kingdom — It’s a secret to none that the collision repair industry is amid a skills shortage–and dated mindsets have plenty to do with it. During Thursday’s International Bodyshop Industry Symposium’s IBISTV Summit, a seven-strong panel of global collision repair reps sat down to discuss the topic of attracting young talent to the […]