
1Collision, Many Shops: 1Collision enters Texas, N.Y. markets, opens 9th Minn. shop

Toronto, Ontario — CSN Collision Centres’ partner south of the border, 1Collision, announced its entrance into the Texas and New York markets on Monday, while also closing the deal on the acquisition of their ninth collision facility in the state of Minnesota. This move by 1Collision sees the company taking its first steps into Texas […]

United We Stand: CAR Coalition launches U.S. Right to Repair campaign

Washington, District of Columbia, United States ⁠— The CAR Coalition, a group of independent automotive parts and repair companies, associations and insurers committed to preserving customer choice has launched a multi-million dollar U.S. campaign in support of the right to repair movement and key legislative measures, including the Save Money on Auto Repair Transporation (SMART) […]

Beyond the Border: U.S. President Joe Biden unveils new vaccine measures

Washington, D.C. — United States President Joe Biden has announced new vaccine rules on federal workers, large employers and health care staff, directing the nation’s Labor Department to require all businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are either vaccinated against COVID-19 or tested for the virus once a week. The new […]
