A live chat with Sam Mercanti and Dave Foster


Sam Mercanti Circle
Dave Foster Circle

what you'll hear:

The collision repair industry continues to evolve with every passing day. The more we advance, the greater the need to simplify business operations and maximize profits. 

On January 18th at 2 p.m. ET listeners heard from proven industry leaders Sam Mercanti and Dave Foster. We discussed their experiences in the industry, including how they’ve tackled simplifying business to get back to the basics of fixing cars. 


One of CARSTAR’s original values was a commitment to training and education, from its original founder Lirel Holt over 30 years ago. These fundamentals require in-person engagement and collaboration, something that has been overcomplicated and left behind in recent years and We’ll discuss how you can get back to those basics and make gains.


So much to learn, yet so little time. Education is a critical portion of the business. We’ll highlight ways you can leverage industry support to ensure your team doesn’t get left behind.


Cost pressures affect almost every businessowner; it's time to simplify your business using proven strategies to create defined responsibilities and build a leadership team you can rely on.


Ask these proven industry leaders for their opinions in regard to industry challenges, improvement and more.


In 1994, Sam Mercanti brought the CARSTAR brand to Canada as the master franchisor, building a new business from the ground up. Sam Mercanti's commitment to helping others, working with integrity, and consistently providing top service has made him a true standout in the automotive world through the years. Most recently, Sam penned his success story in his recent book, Risen from the Shop Floor. The book journeys through his humble beginnings to his rise in the collision repair industry, all with a goal to inspire other entrepreneurs through his valuable life lessons.
Sam Mercanti Circle
Sam Mercanti, recent author and former Master Franchisor for CARSTAR Canada
Long-time industry leader, Dave Foster, has a proven track record of building teams and driving results. Starting his career on the product sales side, Foster was responsible for managing accounts and helping owners make the most of their merchandise. For the past six years, Dave has been a leader at the CARSTAR family holding varying roles from franchise development to field management. He has helped owners realize their full potential through his personable coaching skills throughout his tenure.
Dave Foster Circle
Dave Foster, Vice President of Network Promotion & Development, CARSTAR Canada

Allison Rogers is a reporter and editor with Media Matters. She reports on the collision repair industry daily and regularly contributes to the company's host of magazines, including Collision Repair magazine, Bodyworx Professional, Canadian Auto Recycler and Collision Quebec. Allison is also the host of the Collision Repair magazine podcast, Industry Insider.
Allison Rogers, Collision Repair magazine

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Sam Mercanti’s Lessons from an Entrepreneur

Many in the global collision industry recognize the name Sam Mercanti.The Italian-born businessman came to Canada with his family as a child. He was raised in a bodyshop setting and, in adulthood, went on to helm one of Canada’s most successful collision repair franchises. But there’s far more to Sam’s story. His memoir tells the story of a young Italian kid who came to Canada with nothing, dropped out of high school, worked in his family’s bodyshop sweeping floors, and went on to revolutionize the collision industry in Canada. Collision Repair magazine was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of RISEN From the Shop Floor: Lessons from an Entrepreneur by Sam Mercanti. Purchase your own copy today!


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