Smart Scanners: Tractable, Black Widow partner in new auto-damage assessment app


O’Fallon, Missouri — Artificial intelligence company, Tractable is partnering with Black Widow to deliver a new auto-damage assessment app to smartphones.

Black Widow, an automotive imagery company will be integrating Tractable’s damage assessment AIs, creating an app that detects damage and generates vehicle condition reports, including estimated repair costs.

According to a video by Tractable, this app has an autobody worker walking around the vehicle and scanning it with their smartphone. Afterwards, the app will mark potentially damaged panels and can generate .pdf format reports as well.

Jason Hauk, CEO of Black Widow said, “By working with Tractable, we’re able to offer sellers an all-in-one tool that not only gives their customers accurate and detailed insights into potential purchases but also provides a competitive edge with no extra effort required by the seller.”

Jimmy Spears, head of automotive at Tractable said, “layering Tractable’s AI into Black Widow’s imaging system will slice the time it takes to bring a used car to market while offering consumers a more transparent picture of their purchase.”

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