
Canadian Crafting: Ford retools Windsor, Ont. plant to make face shields

Windsor, Ontario ⁠— The Ford Motor Company has retooled a portion of its Windsor Engine Plant and begun producing plastic protective face shields for health-care workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The shields will be donated for use in Ontario and the rest of the country, but the first shipments have already gone out locally. “Ford […]

Dissecting Disinfection: Malco Automotive announces online seminar

Toronto, Ontario — April 8, 2020 — On April 15, industrial equipment provider Malco Automotive will host an online seminar discussing vehicle disinfection. Hosted by Malco’s marketing manager, Jason Yard, will cover different exterior cleaning methods tricks to tackling the interior of the car. Yard will be joined by colleague and fellow detailing expert Justin […]

Survival Tips: ‘COVID-19 Advice for Bodyshops’ website launched

Toronto, Ontario ⁠— Industry leaders Ryan Taylor of Bodyshop Booster and Dave Luehr of Elite Body Shop Solutions have teamed up to create a collection of guidance and positive encouragement designed to help collision repairers everywhere survive and strengthen their businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic. On the site, repairers can find helpful videos containing advice […]

Tuesday Ticker: April 14, 2020

Minnesotan Mask Magic Good press has its benefits, 3M executives have learned. The Minnesota-based industrial equipment provider has seen its stock rise by 17.5 percent in three weeks. The world’s foremost provider of surgical safety masks has recently been featured in the news for its refusal to abide by White House requests to stop filling […]

EV/AV Report: April 13, 2020

Self-Healing Tire In late March, Goodyear demonstrated its self-repairing tire, the reCharge. Made from a fibre-reinforced liquid compound, the is self-healing, with the liquid pooling and solidifying into a rubber-like layer. The liquid can be added throughout the vehicle’s life. Goodyear plans to have an AI component create special treads for the tire, which can […]

Editor’s Log: Disinfection Diaries

Toronto, Ontario — April 8, 2020 —There have been some mixed messages about the aims of disinfection during the Coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, repairers appear to be leaning on the side of caution. Unfortunately, the attention being paid to the vehicle disinfection process may be distracting from a much bigger source of concern–idle bodies. According to […]

Taking Aim: ARC launches coronavirus relief fund

Gander, Newfoundland — The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) have created a COVID-19 Relief Fund to support members during the coronavirus pandemic and recovery. The impact of the virus has been felt at every level of society, and auto recyclers are no exception. While auto recyclers have been designated as essential business in most parts […]

Pandemic Plan: Automakers rally to restart production using safety protocols from China

Toronto, Ontario ⁠— Automakers worldwide are rallying to restart factories using safety protocols developed for China. Automakers and suppliers are converging on a consensus that temperature screening, daily health questionnaires, assembly lines redesigned to keep workers three to six feet (0.9 m to 1.8 m) apart, and plenty of masks and gloves can allow large-scale […]

Springing for Cleaning: MPI to reimburse disinfections

Winnipeg, Manitoba — April 8, 2020 — While the Coronavirus rages across the world, Manitoba’s public insurance company will reimburse auto repair facilities for the cost of disinfecting client vehicles. The reimbursement will cover two disinfections, before and after the regular repair operations. The news comes just one week after Saskatchewan’s public insurer announced a […]
